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Human in

juli 24, 2024


Setting Priorities in HR: How to Work Effectively on Your To-Do List.

Setting priority is important because it supports HR and the organisation to focus on what matters most, managing time effectively, reducing stress, and achieving goals more efficiently. Prioritising tasks ensures that the most critical and impactful activities are completed first, leading to better outcomes and more productive use of resources.

By strategically prioritising HR tasks, companies can enhance employee satisfaction, streamline operations, and ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

This approach not only addresses immediate needs but also lays a strong foundation for long-term success, supporting the organisation achieve its strategic objectives. Effective prioritisation requires a clear understanding of the company’s goals, a comprehensive assessment of current HR needs, and the flexibility to adapt as circumstances evolve.

How to Set Priorities in HR?

Prioritising tasks in HR requires aligning HR activities with business goals and understanding employee needs.

1. Align with Business Goals

Identify the company’s key objectives and prioritise HR tasks that support these goals. This alignment ensures that HR efforts contribute directly to the company’s strategic direction.

2. Understand Employee Needs

Conduct surveys to identify what employees need most, but also identify the needs of managers and HR executive stakeholders. This data helps prioritise initiatives that improve employee satisfaction and productivity and business continuity.

3. Focus on High-Impact Activities

Use frameworks like the Covey “Put First Things First” matrix to distinguish between urgent and important tasks. Prioritise tasks that have a significant impact on the organisation, such as strategic planning and talent development.

4. Plan for the Future

Stay informed about legal developments and industry trends to anticipate future needs and challenges with the Human in Progress Free Newsletter. This proactive approach ensures HR is prepared to support the organisation in the long term.

Use the Covey Time Management Matrix

HR professionals are constantly working on requests from both employees and the business. From handling recruitment and onboarding to managing employee relations, benefits, and compliance, professionals often find themselves juggling numerous tasks simultaneously.

This continuous influx of demands can be overwhelming, making it challenging to determine which tasks require immediate attention and which can be deferred.

Introducing the Covey Time Management Matrix might be a powerful tool categorising tasks based on urgency and importance. By adopting this method there will be more focus on high-impact activities, and you will regain control over your time.

Professionals often find themselves overwhelmed with tasks, struggling to prioritise and managing their time effectively. There is the constant influx of stakeholder requests, meetings, and business activities to perform. This high workload may lead to stress, one of the top 10 underlying causes of absenteeism in the workplace.

Covey’s Time Management Matrix is one of the most effective methods, meant to focus your attention on the tasks that matter most and can be used in your work and for your personal growth.

Categories to Setting Priorities

Covey’s Time Management Matrix comprises four quadrants representing a different combination of urgency and importance and is a great instrument to organise and prioritise.

The 4 levels of prioritising tasks are 1.) urgent and important, 2.) important but not urgent 3.) urgent but not important, and 4.) neither urgent nor important

Quadrant 1: Urgent and important => Do these activities now

Quadrant 2: Not urgent and important => Focus on these activities and decide when to do them<

Quadrant 3: Urgent and not important => Delegate these activities

Quadrant 4: Not urgent and not important => Limit or drop these activities

When we have multiple tasks to do, we like to make lists as it might help us organise and structure, but it could lead into anxiety, being overwhelmed by the length of our to do list. The Covey Time Management Matrix offers a solution.

The key is to put all your actions in the matrix and focus proactively on quadrant two, important tasks but not urgent, lessening quadrant three, not important but urgent and killing quadrant four, not important and not urgent, by saying that all important word: ‘No”.

Key HR Priorities for 2024

1. Employee Well-Being

Implementing comprehensive mental health and wellness programmes to support employees’ physical and mental health.

2. Talent Acquisition & Retention

Developing strategies to attract and retain top talent in a competitive job market.

3. Remote Work & Flexibility

Adapting to the continuing trend of remote work by creating flexible work policies and supporting hybrid work models.

4. Employee Development

Investing in learning and development training courses to up skill employees and close skill gaps.

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