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6 Ways L&D and HR Can Use GenAI at Work

Generative AI, artificial intelligence that uses deep-learning models to generate new text and images, is a technology expected to bring significant economic growth to the global economy. However, many leaders are unsure how to use GenAI tools to boost their and their companies’ productivity. The viewer chat of our recent webinar, Skills for L&D Leaders […]



Brian Boggs, Master of the Chair

Brian Boggs, maker of fine, handcrafted wood furniture in Asheville, N.C., just can’t seem to leave a good idea alone. A lifetime of tinkering and experimentation has led to his line of innovative woodworking tools—and to creating some of the world’s most beautiful, comfortable hardwood chairs.



Shaping a Better Tomorrow: Embracing Purpose-Driven Leadership

Every organization feels the need to `do something` with ChatGPT and AI. But how do you make an informed decision about anything so unpredictable? By experimenting and making mistakes. Nevertheless, many leaders don`t know how to do that. Making mistakes also means letting go of the familiar and embracing chaos – which feels pretty uncomfortable.



Tesla’s worden kneiterduur door populistich beleid

Kijk, dat krijg je ervan. Populistisch beleid zorgt ervoor dat Tesla`s kneiterduur gaan worden.
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Alternative Financing Comes Of Age

Fintech is fueling a boom in innovation, offering CFOs an array of new ways to access capital. For years, alternative financing models have been changing the way companies access cash. Now, fintech is offering innovations, from subscription and fee-based online lending marketplaces to blockchain, that are changing the alternative financing landscape itself. That, in turn, Read more...



Innovation And Freelancing

VOL. 38  NO. 6 Is there a link between freelancing or outsourcing and the world of innovation? This question came to mind after reviewing the two key topics in this month’s issue. And the answer is definitively “Yes.” Freelancing and talent outsourcing—the topic of this month’s cover story—are growing, becoming increasingly global, affecting different sectors, Read more...



World’s Most Peaceful Country 2024 Global Peace Index

Over the past two decades, most indicators of peacefulness have deteriorated, according to the 2024 Global Peace Index. Old and new conflicts, and our political and cultural polarization, are the main culprits. Peaceful Nations Generate Economic Value Peace, some people say, starts with a smile. Peaceful societies enjoy greater income growth, stronger currencies and higher Read more...



De vierdaagse werkweek: kans of kwestie van tijd?

Vanaf volgend jaar sluit softwareleverancier Afas elke vrijdag de deuren van hun hoofdkantoor, terwijl de medewerkers wel hun volledige salaris behouden. Hoe kan dit? Afas schrijft dit toe aan een enorme productiviteitsstijging in de afgelopen 25 jaar, waarbij de jaarlijkse opbrengst per medewerker steeg van 60.000 euro naar een indrukwekkende 450.000 euro in 2023. Graag [&hellip;]<br>



Lege snelwegkantoren kunnen 60.000 woningen opleveren

Wanneer leegstaande snelwegkantoren zouden worden getransformeerd, levert dit 60.000 extra woningen op. Dat zegt vastgoedadviseur Colliers na onderzoek.



‘Modale’ koopstarter komt ruim een ton tekort

Bijna overal in Nederland hebben starters meer dan anderhalf modaal inkomen nodig om een woning te kunnen betalen. In haar kwartaalbericht Wonen schrijft Rabobank dat de huizenprijzen voorlopig blijven stijgen.
